Exercícios de Inglês

Advérbios em Inglês – Exercícios

Questão 01

Numa das sentenças abaixo o advérbio não está corretamente inserido:

a) He hasn’t met me yet.
b) I was rather cold yesterday.
c) Gary always is dreaming of you
d) We hardly work on Sundays.
e) They’ll travel by car.

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Questão 02

This is a ________ good course for you to take.

a) enough
b) only
c) nearly
d) much
e) very

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Questão 03

I noticed the student speak English _______________.
a) very fluent
b) fluent
c) more fluent
d) fluently
e) fluency

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Questão 04

They ran very _______ in the race but at the end they could ______ breathe.
a) fast, harder
b) fast, hardly
c) fast, hard
d) faster, hardly
e) fastly, hard

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Questão 05

Complete o diálogo, usando os advérbios corretos:
– Hasn’t anyone caught the thief ____________?
–  No, he hasn’t been caught ______. He will be caught ______
a) already; still; just now
b) yet; yet; soon
c) now; already; tomorrow
d) still; yet; immediately
e) yet; already; at the moment

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Questão 06

You are a gentleman, and as ______ you must be polite to women.
a) yet
b) thus
c) so
d) sure
e) such

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Questão 07

Todas as alternativas abaixo trazem advérbios de frequência, exceto:
a) seldom
b) well
c) never
d) often
e) regularly

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Questão 08

They state they’ve been ther____________.
a) once
b) for the fun of it
c) on Sunday
d) In March
e) Todas são corretas

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Questão 09

They haven’t _____ thought of it________.
a) whether /yet
b) even / yet
c) then / also
d) ever / always
e) even / only

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Questão 10

The test was _______ no one passed.
a)  very hard that
b) too hard for that
c) too hard, so
d) so hard so that
e) even / only
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Respostas das questões:

1 – C2 – E3 – D4 – B5 – B
6 – E7 – B8 – E9 – B10 – C

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